Automate the discovery of your multi-platform ETL Environment for Data Lineage

Valuable time and effort are expended by IT discovering, finding and understanding metadata via outdated Spreadsheets and Visio diagrams that can only be managed manually and may not be synchronized.

In a highly complex multi-platform environment, client’s needs to contextualize and analyze the data landscape into a larger picture to understand the wide variety of sources, including ETL, databases and reporting tools, mapped and stored in a searchable catalog for analysis.
Clients are looking to easily discover, visualise and understand their data journey for critical metadata elements that travel through numerous ETL, database, and analysis systems before ending up in a report or dashboard.

  • Automatically Discover your Cross-Platform Metadata Landscape


  • Quickly search the catalog for meaning, lineage, technical terms, transformations and other critical metadata information


  • Gain a better understanding into the data movement process by visualizing the full data lineage so that you can perform analysis to identify and resolve data issues

?Join us on Tuesday, November 27th at 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST for this webcast focusing on how Sandhill Consultants, levering erwin Mapping Manager will show how an organization can save time and money by automating the discovery and documentation of your data journey across your data landscape.