Don’t be blindsided by Data Fractures you can’t see!

In your day-to-day operations, ineffective data management practices have the potential to produce bad business decisions, which can impact more than just bottom-line revenue.

In the Inconsistent Definitions Wreak Havoc on Analytics article by the International Institute for Analytics, CAO Bill Franks shows one example of how inconsistent data definitions caused confusion and revenue loss from inaccurate billing.

So, what’s to be done? We believe that organizations need to shine a light on their unidentified non-existent, weak, or insufficient data practices.

 DMM Assessment

A Sandhill DMM Assessment will illuminate root causes and yields a roadmap of focused initiatives by level of effort.

The roadmap is your guide on where to best focus your efforts and:

  • Identifies opportunities of high value that you can start immediately
  • Reveals the hidden potential for turning local inaccuracies into catastrophic failures. Exploit local efforts, and broaden and apply them beyond single use to reduce the risk of failure
  • Shows where to focus strategic process improvements that increase the value of your data assets while preventing their becoming data liabilities.

Rather than focusing on visible operational symptoms, looking at the larger data management practice will help your organization identify and understand the root causes of the underlying issues.

This will result in more targeted use of resources and reduced rework.

Where does an organization start?

Jumpstart your DM process improvement with a Sandhill DMM Assessment based on a proven, repeatable methodology created by industry experts at the CMMI Institute®.

To find out how Sandhill can help you illuminate the inefficiencies impeding your business results, contact