Simplifying Data Management:

How Erwin Data Modeler Can Solve Pain Points in Fortune 500 Companies

As the lead data modeler in a fortune 500 company, I am all too familiar with the pain points that come with managing and maintaining large and complex databases. From difficulty in standardizing and maintaining consistency across data models, to the challenges of ensuring data governance and compliance, the task can feel overwhelming. But with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be.

One of the biggest pain points we face is the difficulty in managing and maintaining large and complex databases. With the increasing amount of data that we collect and store, it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of the different databases and ensure that they are accurate, consistent, and up-to-date. Additionally, the lack of standardization and consistency across our databases can lead to inconsistencies and errors, making it difficult to identify and correct these errors.

Another pain point we face is ensuring data governance and compliance. With the ever-changing regulatory landscape, it is essential that we have a clear understanding of how our data is being used and stored, and that we are compliant with all relevant regulations. However, with manually managing and maintaining large and complex databases, it can be difficult to track data lineage and ensure that our data is being used and stored in a compliant manner.

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Enter erwin Data Modeler. This industry-leading data modeling solution enables organizations to discover, design, visualize, standardize, and deploy enterprise data through an intuitive, graphical facility built on industry standards and best practices. With erwin Data Modeler, we can address both of these pain points.

Erwin Data Modeler provides a centralized platform for managing and maintaining data models, which makes it easier to keep track of the different databases and ensure that they are accurate, consistent, and up-to-date. Additionally, it enables standardization and consistency across data models by providing templates and model management features. This ensures that different data modelers within the team are using the same approach and methods for modeling data, greatly reducing the chances of inconsistencies and errors.

Erwin Data Modeler also provides built-in data governance and compliance features, such as data lineage and impact analysis. This makes it much easier to ensure that our data is being used and stored in a compliant manner. Additionally, erwin Data Modeler allows for efficient collaboration and communication among data modelers through team-based modeling and version control.

To evaluate erwin Data Modeling to solve your pain points request your erwin Data Modeling download here: