In version 8.1 of erwin Data Modeler, the location of license files led to common issues when the application was installed by someone other then the end user. CA has sought to address this in version 8.2 by relocating the licenses, which may cause confusion to those users who had just gotten used to where they were before!

When you install erwin Data Modeler for the first time, it will install a Community Edition license. This license will enable you to run the Data Modeler in a restricted fashion.

When licensing your copy of erwin Data Modeler, whichever variant of r8 it may be, the most reliable method is to launch the Data Modeler in Community Edition mode, then select the Licensing option from the Hep menu, and use the Install license file button.

Prior to version 8.2, however, it was possible that you might not be able to launch the application in Community Edition mode, especially if it had been installed by someone other than the end user. This is because in those versions, files are installed in the installing user’s local application data area (%USERPROFILE%/Local/Application Data/CA/ERwin Data Modeler/8 in Windows XP or %LOCALAPPDATA%/CA/ERwin Data Modeler/8 in Windows 7), so an administrator would need to copy the relevant file structure from the install user’s profile to the end-user’s profile to get even Community Edition to launch.

To address this, from r8.2 licenses are located in the All Users profile (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/CA/ERwin Data Modeler/8), so you should now always be able to launch the application in Community Edition mode following installation.

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erwin Data Modeler

erwin Data Modeler is the industry-leading data modelling solution that enables organisations to discover, design, visualise, standardise and deploy enterprise data through an intuitive, graphical facility built on industry standards and best practices.

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