What is new in the erwin Data Modeler 12.5 release ?

We are excited to share that Quest Software has recently announced the newest version of the highly acclaimed erwin Data Modeler and erwin Mart Server. This release comes packed with cutting-edge features and enhancements, aimed at empowering data professionals and organizations with unparalleled data modelling and management capabilities.

erwin Data Modeler 12.5 (client)

Release 12.5 adds the following new features, target database updates and productivity enhancements to the Data Modeler client.

Project Explorer

You can now organize all the database models involved in your application development process in a single project in erwin DM. You can store projects and their contents as a folder in a location of your choice. To open the models in a project together, open the project file from the storage location or through the erwin DM. The new Project Explorer pane and toolbar in erwin DM also offer you an end-to-end solution to organize and manage the models in a project.

Denormalization Support for NoSQL Models

You can now perform advanced denormalization on all NoSQL database models.

Bitbucket Support

Support for Bitbucket as a Git repository has been added.

Database Version Support

1. Teradata – supports v17.x as a target database
2. MongoDB – supports v5.x and v6.x as a target database.
3. AlloyDB – supports v1.1 as a target database
4. Neo4j – certified to work with v4.4.x
5. Databaricks – Databricks Partner Connect is now live and available for erwin DM. Databricks as a target database also supports Databricks Unity Catalog.

Existing Database Support Updates


  • Views Tab: The ArangoDB Reverse Engineering Wizard now includes a dedicated Views tab for streamlined management.
  • Precision and Scale Properties: Avro Field Editor now supports Precision and Scale properties, applicable to the data type BYTES.
Google BigQuery:
  • Table Search Index Support: Added support for Table Search Index.
  • Views and Materialized Views Tabs: Enhanced Google BigQuery Reverse Engineering Wizard with separate tabs for Views and Materialized Views.
  • Improved ER Diagrams: ER diagrams now display the property mode of columns (NULL, NOT NULL, REPEATED/ARRAY) when the Display Column Null Option is selected in the ER Diagram Editor.
  • Increased Physical Table and Column Names: You can now set physical table names of up to 1024 characters and physical column names of up to 300 characters.
  • Default Collation Property: Added Default Collation property to Google BigQuery Dataset Editor and Table Editor.
  • Collation and Default Expression Properties: Collation and Default Expression properties are now available in the Google BigQuery Table Column Editor.
  • Partition Options Enhancement: Partition Options properties have been moved to the Partitions tab in the Google BigQuery Table Editor.
  • Partition Expression Update: Partition Expression section has been removed from the Partitions tab in the Google BigQuery Table Editor and Materialized View Editor. The Partition Expression section is now displayed on the NoSQL tab in the Google BigQuery Table Editor and Materialized View Editor.
  • Automatic Reset of Partition Expression Options: Values in the Partition Expression Options now automatically resets when a column of a different Physical Data Type is selected on the Partition Columns section in the Google BigQuery Table Editor and Materialized View Editor..
  • Wizard Updates: The Option Selection tab in the Google BigQuery Forward Engineering Schema Generation Wizard has been updated, and a new Owner Override tab has been added.
  • Materialized Views Tab: Materialized Views tab has been added to the Cassandra Reverse Engineering Wizard.
  • Python SDK Support: erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM) now supports using Couchbase with Python SDK instead of C SDK.
  • Increased Physical Table and Index Names: You can now set physical table and index names of up to 255 characters.
  • Session Token Authentication: Session Token authentication has been added for DynamoDB database connection.
  • Redshift Encoding AZ64: Support for Redshift Encoding AZ64 has been added.
  • Enhanced Schema Validation Options: Schema validation options for forward engineering a model have been improved.
  • Display Field is Required Option: The Display Field Null Option property on the MongoDB ER Diagram Editor has been replaced with Display Field is Required Option property.
  • Display Field is Required Option: The Display Field Null Option property on the JSON ER Diagram Editor has been replaced with Display Field is Required Option property.
  • JSON Array Element Option: JSON Reverse Engineering Wizard now includes a JSON Array Element option, allowing specification of whether all or only the first element of a JSON array is processed during reverse engineering.
  • Improved Viewer Tab: The Viewer tab in the JSON Forward Engineering Schema Generation Wizard has been updated to display the names of JSON objects and arrays and the number of child elements inside them.

Productivity and UI Enhancements

Several additions and enhancements have been implemented to improve erwin DM’s productivity and usage experience. These enhancements are:

  • Copy Family: You can now create new ER diagrams using whole or part of model object families from existing diagrams.
  • Recent Files: The Recent Files list in the erwin DM Welcome screen now displays the latest version of the Mart models instead of the version that was last accessed.
  • Demand Loading: To improve project loading time, Demand Loading option for projects has been added to erwin DM Options.
  • Scheduler: Support for projects has been added to erwin DM Scheduler. You can now schedule reverse engineering jobs for all the required models in a project using erwin DM Scheduler.
  • Project Explorer: erwin DM now displays models with configured connection parameters for reverse engineering in the Project Explorer with a green check mark.
  • Custon Option Set: You can now create and use custom option sets for Complete Compare in erwin DM Scheduler.
  • Exclude UDP: You can now choose to exclude User Defined Properties (UDP) during Complete Compare to accelerate the process.
  • SDI Indication on Model Diagram: For columns or attributes labelled SDI, you can now choose to display an SDI indication on the model diagram via diagram properties.
  • Column Sort Order: NoSQL databases now support column sort order function in addition to SQL databases.

erwin Mart Server 12.5

erwin Mart Server is the storage and access engine for erwin Data Modeler Workgroup Edition repository and is available as user-deployable software or as a service (SaaS).
Release 12.5 includes the following new features and enhancements:

– erwin ER360

erwin ER360 is an optional add-on to the erwin Mart Server, whether on-premise or on-cloud (SaaS), and provides managed self-service access to your data model visualizations and detailed metadata through a web browser, encouraging business teams, governance teams, and other stakeholders to collaborate and increase data literacy.

– erwin Mart Portal (formerly erwin Mart Administrator)

erwin Mart Portal now supports setting View permissions for libraries so that users can only see the libraries they have access to.

Catalog Manager now displays a ‘PII’ tag for models that contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

– Enterprise Modelling Compliance

To maintain data quality, Enterprise Modelling Compliance (EMC) has been added to the erwin Mart Portal. Using EMC, you can create customized data compliance policies and rules for database models saved to Mart. You can also create user-defined jobs to apply these policies to the models and generate comprehensive reports with pass, error, and warning statistics.

– Enterprise Glossary

Using Enterprise Glossary, you can map business terms to the objects in your data models. These business terms are vocabularies used in your organization’s projects, departments, or functions which are grouped together in the glossary. These glossaries can be associated to the model and business terms are mapped to the objects. Based on mappings and association, you can view associations reports with model name and number of unmapped objects. A Mapping report displays details such as name of the model, object type, object name, and mapped term.

– DM Connect for DI Support
DM Connect for DI allows Mart administrators to export model metadata to erwin Data Intelligence (DI) and has been upgraded to support:

  • Business Entity Types:
    Model export jobs store business entity type (system environment type) under environment details in erwin Data Intelligence (erwin DI).
  • Validation Rules:
    Model export jobs store validation rules under extended properties in erwin DI.

– Git Support
You can now view the DDL of a model version and compare it with another version of the model from the Catalogs pane.


Ready to explore the new and exciting features of erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM)?

Arrange a live demo with our software experts and experience first-hand how erwin DM can revolutionize your data modelling and management practices. To book a demo or inquire further, please reach out to our dedicated team at  info@sandhillconsultants.com

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to test drive erwin DM with a free trial. Sign up now and unleash the potential of seamless data modelling and enhanced productivity.